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A Story About Transitions: Coast to Mountain, Urban to Country

Updated: Mar 12, 2023

Silver Linings

Most of us are experiencing the hurdle of transition. Tis' this 2+ year season of Covid, the numbers have moved from the big, loud, populated cities to a quieter, more serene mountain scape lifestyle. A remnant of quarantine, reminders of the long-lost 'family-time,' and how fast-paced lives have compromised precious minutes as we blindly replaced them with years. Life had been moving too fast, yearnings for a life with more space allowing time to slow down; to soak in the nature, nurturing ourselves and our children- to survive. So many silver linings throughout the pandemic. For me, an opportunity arose to press 'reset,' 'slow down,' 'pause,' 'breathe.' Evidently for many others too. If you saw it, or even wanted to, this was gift of opportunity. Many did, and so I write! How many of you are engulfed in the ocean to mountain/city to farm transition? According to the stats... A LOT!

Abandoning A Heart's Home

The girls and I are beach babes from birth. My heart will always belong to the sea. I included a montage gallery which is more of a time capsule for myself. Although I never imagined abandoning the coastal breeze, salty smell, movement of the air rushing across the tide, the fullness and curls humidity and salt brought to my fine- limp hair, and naturally sun bronzed skin... was I open for this hell-of-a-challenge? For years, California ceased to be a place I imagined us dwelling; perhaps a better place to visit. Stability was a constant challenge as I struggled to thrive economically to manage the lives of two wonderful talented young girls. This pushed my eyes to see new visions for our future. For years I sought for a life of personal freedom, peace and a manageable pace allowing me to raise the girls how they deserve. With that in mind, I chose to abandon my heart's home at our highest and best; we left the sea and headed to a mountain life following an invitation from my fiancé at the time, Mylan. But, uh rewind, dude just say Idaho? haha I always thought I would end up in Hawaii, what's Idaho? I knew the girls and I would one day be frolicking in pastures with horses, picking flowers and chamomile in an herb garden, and taking hammock sun naps. Years later, we found ourselves this vision of life in a little slice of Idaho. After many visits, I considered the 'mountain Heaven' Idaho my new equivalent to the 'ocean Heaven' Kauai. Core-exposing canyons lined with emerald moss walls unveiling caves draped with rushing water falls? Ice trickled aqua blue rivers so fresh and clear as if swimming through the sky? Soaking in hot springs under double-rainbowed fields with backdrops of snow capped bulging mountains. Wild horses, Bald Eagles and fields of Wildflowers naturally sprouting along the sides of the roads (nobody planted them there). Golden glittered aspen lined mountain hikes - then miles of sugar dusted snowflake landscapes. And guess what... I could even afford to buy a home.

We were invited to explore another face of God. With my deepest intention to find a home for our hearts here too. Personal growth comes when we push ourselves to be brave enough to face hardship, courageous enough to initiate then endure life's transitions. I know what the ocean brings to me... now where else can I allow myself to find that space? Teach myself the feeling is deeper than what we experience outside our bodies. The ocean makes it really easy for me. I want to deepen my connection with nature and the all encompassing spiritual universe that grows within me. To SHOW the girls how they can do the same. What better gifts can I model and share with my daughters? The ability not just to know - but to allow your soul to SEE it all, and grow. From coast to mountain range, city to wide open pastures.

Idea to Reality: So Now We Farm-ish

Our family likes to create; we build what our imagination dictates. It's one thing to dream and talk; it is said only 6% of ideas come to actual fruition. In this house, we aren't allowed to sit on ideas - yet start the planning so we can know which ideas are real. Life is short. Not everything sticks, but the real ones do. Wearing the trial-and-error hat- let's make it happen and see! This is the form of adult FOMO that gets me moving.

Our name for this adult FOMO idea... On the LAM: Mini Ranch & Gardens. A business built around figuring out how to make a reality of the farm-life 'thing' in a way that encapsulates the family's talents. Sharing ideas and how we make them happen with the community. Inspiring courage to wear the trial-and-error hat. We found the land. The fixer home: a smoker's dream, dilapidated, live-in ash tray. Cabbage wallpapered, vinyl-floored, sun-bleached pink and purple manufactured home. Our fixer mini-ranch? This was far from a dream come true if you don't have the vision, so the girls were a bit confused about the house choice to say the least (forgiven for their age). But, we got the horses, the chickens, the dogs, the cats, the birds, the turkeys, the sheep, the cows... and now I do what I do best... we plan and we learn.

Initially we were looking for minimum 20 acres of land, but decided not to bite off more than we can chew, even though that may have already happened. Take note: Starting small and quaint, I 200% back that decision. Multiple-multitude-of-numerous-and-endless projects (see my Pinterest). A new way of life. Adjustments, weather, post Covid inflation, and 4 brains that cycle way too fast. We settled outside the little town of Bellevue, Idaho. A small equestrian and farm town, South of the city of Hailey and a bit more South of the infamous Sun Valley. It is quiet, spaced out, and a feasible start with access to everything we want or need just outside of town.

I'll Figure It Out For Us

We quickly noticed upon arrival that the beach moved to the mountains. So many familiar faces. What an adjustment! Some struggle, some crave. But there still lays that "how to." How to add chickens to your life. And dirt. How to drain a hose so that you can feed your horses in below freezing temperatures. How to SLOW DOWN. How to respectfully enter an existing culture you enter into. Now that I know 'y'all' can relate, we can figure this out together. Embracing old friends, making new ones. What an adventure to take this all on!

on the LAM : Mini Ranch & Gardens WIP

We have done some work! Painted the exterior, added hot wire fencing, graded the backyard, added several fruit trees, started the garden build out. Doesn't sound like much, but I have several before and afters in the photo galleries, in case anyone is curious about the progress and process. Still in the "intro phase" of the blog, this post will give a little tour of the farm, and in later posts you can look forward to "how tos"for projects, big and small. The simplest projects, tools and ideas to help my sisters out there who have also left the sea to embrace a mountain-woman life!

First Tips

Let's start with a couple tips: as a woman on a mission, it is important to start your day early. (morning routine here). Medicine Coffee & Ginger Hot Shot.

I have several books and podcasts I recommend in the Mercantile/Books Section of the site. I highly recommend Brene Brown's Daring Greatly and poetic inspirational listening with Joy Harjo's Crazy Brave. I love audiobooks and these links both offer Audible versions.

I hope you enjoyed today's read, and learned something new!

With Love,



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