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Updated: Mar 12, 2023

(#52) 22.01.23

What does that even mean, a 'thing?'

thing /THiNG/


  1. an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to. "look at that metal rail thing over there"

  2. an inanimate material object as distinct from a living sentient being. "I'm not a thing, not a work of art to be cherished"

Implementing definition #1, I'll consider the 'thing' in this context a viable and lucrative business based on a metaphorical painting of a human's life; my definition of a 'lifestyle blog.' Don't hate on me for saying it, but sounds potentially shallow if used for self-glorification, in my opinion, which may be why I have dragged my feet. However, many "bloggers" are using this platform as a positive channel to ignite and support readers, make some money, and simply just have FUN! Since my theme of this year is 'let go and let it happen' aka 'hand over your burdens' aka 'let go and let God...' I am letting go of all the reasons "why not to start a blog," and I am sold!

Does blogging work? Are humans truly interested in someone's metaphorical "painting"of their life? Even though the #Millennial generation is flashing before my eyes, is it not a foreign concept to grasp? Pre everything, and consistent with my 800% accuracy KPA personality test results (combines the DISC and the AVA), I usually thumb dance #Google research before sacrificing time and energy I typically don't have. Not this time. Rather, I ignored years of my greatest confidants' (Sister-in-Law, Cousin, Best-Friend, Husband) advice to get this going. Then finally the leap happened; January 15th of 2022, I sat with my best friend in her sanctuary of a beach cottage in Laguna Beach. We talked about our past year, and how to improve and make things happen in our next 1-3 years. She insisted tat i make this blog happen, supported by a flow of compliments that I had to accept. I flew back to my mini ranch home in Bellevue, and built this #Wix website with all the 'blog stuff' I adore. Rest assured, this is where I finally did my research and great news... two sore thumbs later and I am still in luck! 9/10 sites favor 2022 the still continued growth of our blogging industry! Here is my best pick article: Will Blogging Still Be Worthwhile in 2022?

I am letting go of all the reasons 'why not to start a blog,' and I am sold.

52 in 22

Considering this to be a one year #experiment, which at that point I will reassess, I will have written a lifestyle blog per week for by 2023. As a 'creative' wandering avenues for expression, an 'empath' helping others achieve #dreams, searching for a life closer to #nature & how to best #nurture the health of myself and others... my goal is to reassure the importance that we remember how to live again. This blog will be my reminder as much as it is yours. Take the leap in exposing our best versions of ourselves, regardless if anyone else is interested!

About a life on the LAM

My name is Laura Siapin Chacon. This journal, "a life on the LAM," encompasses our humble blended family, and my chronic condition of always being on the move. Plain and simple, this blog is about me figuring out how to build the life we have always wanted to live, doing the things we live to do... for my family, myself, and to trickle the mentality over to you, the readers!

Plain and simple, this blog is me figuring out how to build the life we want to live, doing the things we live to do...

Meet The Fam’

Mylan, my patient, hard working fabricator and artist husband.

Outdoorsy, playful, animal whispering, self-taught chef daughter Lily.

Artist-before-she-could-speak, empath by nature, professional hugging, ambitious dreamer of a daughter Harlow.

Myself (you will get to know me through the journal as self descriptions are potentially incriminating).

... oh wait, there is more... the 'fixer' 5 acre LAM #miniranch and #gardens + our 3 #horses Cobweb, Star & Rocky, 12 unnamed #chickens, 2 #BorderCollies Sage & Rust, a Parakeet BonBon and the other #livestock that come and go.

The website will share about the process and progress of building the "LAM Mini Ranch & Gardens."You can also expect to learn about our lifestyle and local cultures: #adventures within the stunning views and natural surroundings, cowboys & natives and the crazy buckwild things they do! Building the LAM Mini Ranch & Gardens on a #budget, #flowergardens, #medicinegardens, #vegetablegardens and #orchards. Exquisit and #rustic #fire-prepared meals by Mylan, #seasonal #giftbaskets, medicinal #healing with #bonebroth, #immunization booster cubes... and the list goes on. All things prepared by hand, #one-of-a kind, prepared per order.

• Blog - Journaling a life on the LAM as described above. Documenting mini ranch projects.

Shop - Encompassing 2 areas of the shop: #Nourishing #Treats & Pretty #Sweets. Art & Designs. #Home-made #medicinal wellness, #broth, #tincture and #tea, #handmade #jewelry #ceramics #paper and other #designs by the four of us. #art, #vintage, #artisinal #sweets & #bakedgoods, unique #seasonal #giftbaskets. Most #made-to-order.

• Book an Adventure - book a campsite and/or adventure with 2 steps in and near the #WoodRiverValley. You book, we setup your #campsite; all you do is show up. Basic setup + #alacarte services offered. We offer and/or point you in the direction of hiking tours, nordic tours, hot springs, bike paths, riding trails, and so on.

Board - The goal is to open our Boarding business this Summer of 2022, then offer even more services in Fall 2022. A boutique #horseboarding business.

The purpose of sharing ”a life on the LAM" with my readers is to enlighten you mind, how you too can fish out the school of talents each of your family members hold; enhancing each other to live life to the fullest And together. There was so much to be learned from the exasperating pandemic years of 2019 & 2020. This journal, again, is a reminder of what we gained during that time. As many others have also jumped into a new culture during these difficult times of world transition, we also relocated to the golden valleys with green snow tipped mountains of Bellevue, ID - from the beach shacked, sandy toes and ocean breezes of San Clemente, CA. Based on the stats, many of you will relate to the realities of transition while we all navigate and recreate a new life. NOW is the opportunity to redirect! Blessed with a life of this ambiguous freshness, I am thrilled and filled with gratitude to finally have the courage and support to encapsulate our adventure here, and get you to build along with us!

Here we go 2022!

Laura Siapin Chacon


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